Sophie et le blues du peintre…:)

Revenu du travail, ce soir, avec la ferme intention de commencer une nouvelle toile, aussi de travailler encore un peu le tableau de Sophie, mais je devais faire la vaisselle et autres tâches ingrates…
Back from work, tonight, decided to start a new painting, and probably do some touch ups on Sophie’s painting…but before a few things, household things were due…like dishes and so on…


Mais encore fallait-il préparer la toile, la palette, appliquer du gesso….le temps passe
But still had to prepare the canvas, the palette and apply gesso on the canvas…time is going on…
Prêt, non encore un peu de gesso, encore le temps qui passe..Ready, but need a bit more of gess…times still goes on…

Aussi quelques retouches sur le tableau de Sophie, en attendant que cela sèche….
Also a bit of retouching Sophie’s painting, waiting for drying or else…

Finalement, je n’aurai réussi qu’à commencer cette toile, bien peu faut dire…mais qui bien sûr promet…:) la suite demain
Finally, got to start this painting….not much done, but of course it is promising…:), more soon…

6 avis sur « Sophie et le blues du peintre…:) »

  1. Your art space is magnificent. I can see a lot of creative energy in that space. It feels thick with creativity, your spirit. I can’t read a single word, mind (my failing) – but I was really taken by the picture of you painting. CHEERS 🙂

    • Thank you, it is very kind of you, I appreciate very much, I guess the writing isn’t that important, it is there to accompany my paintings and drawings, hope you will enjoy the other postings.

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