Pas beaucoup…mais

Encore bien peu de peinture ou dessin de ce temps-ci… moins j’ai été à mon atelier de dessin vendredi dernier, deux semaines que je faisais ‘l’atelier buissonnier’….donc en attendant plus, au moins quelques esquisses de voilà quelques, plusieurs semaines…des 15 et 20 minutes…

Still not much going on painting or drawing wise…not very wise these days, but at least I went to my life model drawing session last friday, kind of skip ‘school’ the two weeks before that…I send myself in the corner, writing ‘I will at least attend my life model session’ even if I’m not painting, I stop short of wearing the ‘bonnet d’âne’ not quite sure how to translate this in engligh…so a few sketches, 15 and 20 minutes poses, from a few, now many weeks ago…

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