Rattrapage…back log…a bit less

Encore des esquisses du 1er février….j’en aurai des nouvelles faites à l’encre et gouache….faisait longtemps et bien rouillé, mais en attendant des esquisses plus dans mon style habituel, plus confortable…..oui je sais en art, faut sortir du ‘confort’ mais cela ne me tente pas souvent, facile de rester dans ce que l’on connait…donc les 5 et 10 minutes

A few more sketches, dating from February 1 st, having some difficulties to keep up…I do have some in bank made in Ink and gouache, not sure if I like them…it’s been a long time and I felt quite rusted…I guess it is difficult to wander of known roads, in art and probably in every thing else…so for now a few sketches, made in ‘my comfort zone’…:) five and ten minutes poses.

12 avis sur « Rattrapage…back log…a bit less »

    • Thank you! I like going to those life model session, does not compare to working alone in my atelier and the quickness of those drawings force you to give all you can in a short time, I guess it shows..:)

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