manque de temps…histoire connue…caught short of time…as usual

Bon toujours un peu pareil, je me suis dit ce matin que j’élaborerais sur cette esquisse à l’ordi avec ma tablette, pense qu’elle deviendra un tableau, avant les prochaines… j’étais un politicien je dirais les élections, donc vais couper court, ce sera un tableau un jour, quant à l’utilisation de ce médium, on en reparlera, peut-être éventuellement, hum cela semble incertain…mais presque sûr que j’y reviendrai…

Well more of the same it does seems, this morning I was planning a post with all the version of this computer sketch, and give more informations on this medium, the way I use or intent to use it..but well time is lacking, and the only thing I can probably say, il will be a painting sometimes down the road or before the next elections, but I am no politician so I will just say that it will probably eventually become a full painting, seems a bit uncertain, but I am sure, almost…when…ah no I am not going to venture on this…

So the sketch, before it become a painting / donc l’esquisse qui un jour deviendra tableau…

7 avis sur « manque de temps…histoire connue…caught short of time…as usual »

    • Hello Virginia, thanks for appreciating, yes it was done using a graphic tablet and photoshop, some time I do use layers one for the photo the other for drawing…but for the last few ones, I draw directly on a new file, having the other on the 2nd screen for reference, after all if I want to practice drawing…it is better this way 🙂 Remember my first painting class, the teacher insisted we did a few preliminary sketches, this do the job pretty good I think..:)

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