Mnemosyme, Marylin et Resa

Toujours un peu difficile d’amagalmer trois photos dans un tableau, toujours un défi de composition et d’harmoniser les trois inspirations dans un tableau qui se tient, surtout après la longue intermission depuis la dernière fois que j’ai travaillé ce tableau, j’avais quelques appréhensions avant de m’y remettre, au moins cette fois ci, je pense que je peux dire que ces appréhensions n’étaient pas fondées…on s’en fait souvent des appréhensions non fondées, parfois fondées, finalement vaut mieux y aller et voir ce qui arrivera.

I always a bit weary when I work on a painting with a composition that is a bit unusual, like having three models to focus on, how to integrate them without having them looking that they should be on a different painting, I tried to make it so they do seem to be integrated, and at that time, it was only a few days since I came back from being a ‘silent painter’, may be not silent but not doing anything drawing or painting wise, so here’s the new version of this painting

Marylin, Mnemosyne et Resa; 24×30″; 2022-04-12

Pour le contexte de ce tableau, svp voir le premier article de ce tableau, et bien sûr vous pouvez visiter les articles précédents sur ce tableau.

For the context around this painting, please follow the link, and probably some links to previous posts on this painting are probably shown at the end of this post.

Le montage photo qui a servi à ce tableau / The photo montage I did to start this painting

And please pay a visit to Resa’s site / Une visite aux sites de Resa en vaut la peine, je vous l’assure…

En plus de mon autre site, où vous trouverez plus d’informations sur ce tableau et les autres, vous pouvez aussi consulter l’ensemble des versions précédentes dans cet album / In addition of my other site, that is kind of my own works library, for more informations on this painting and lots of other, you can also check all previous versions of this painting on my Flickr site


23 avis sur « Mnemosyme, Marylin et Resa »

    • You’re welcome, it is a bit of work but I think it is worthwhile, for others and of course for me too, I am trying to have a page on my other site for each work, as well as for work in progress on this site, it is sort of my personal art journal. I wished I had done this when I started painting, I have some pics and notes but not as a detailed story, thanks for numeric cameras for that now…:)

      • Oh, yes! Keeping pictures and thoughts about the process is so valuable for us, I think. I learned early on to date and save my sketchbooks and to make a lot of notes as I progressed. It’s interesting to look back and remember where I was and what I was thinking as I was learning different skills.

      • Yes they are a reminder of what we did and trying to figure out what is coming next, still have a lot of work to update my sites but it is fun work, actually it isn’t really work, I guess this it the good thing about it..:)

      • To the next time, will try to keep up, had a long stop, but I think I am back now, I will visit yours all well, thanks for sharing, nice to exchange with other artists.

      • Yes, having a community of «art friends» online has been very helpful for me. I’m glad to be part of this art world.

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