Une autre de finie ? pense que oui…. Another one finished ? look like it

Je pense bien que ce tableau est bel et bien terminé, oui je peux toujours l’améliorer mais aussi je pourrais tout aussi bien perdre des choses qui actuellement me plaisent, donc disons que la prudence fait en sorte que même si je ne l’ai pas signé encore, oui ma signature est sur l’image mais pas encore sur la toile…je suis mieux de me dire temps de passer à un autre tableau ou pastel, donc oui éventuellement, il y aura de nouveaux tableaux…

Yes I think this painting is at a point where it can still be improved, but also it may start going downhill, I did experienced that on a few occasion, so maybe it is time to stop this one and sign it, the image is signed, but not the canvas at this time. So maybe I am over prudent but at the same time I am quite pleased with it, so I guess with quite a few paintings reaching the end, I should start looking a bit more closely to the next few ones coming, I do have a few ideas, you should see them coming through over the next few weeks…I guess.

433-51-r Comtesse Monique, huile 20 x 28 po (51 x 71 cm) 2022-07-01

9 avis sur « Une autre de finie ? pense que oui…. Another one finished ? look like it »

    • I would not dare to add anything to it, except a signature, on the canvas this time, thanks and I completely agree for leaving it as it is; one politician here said once, the previous government took us on the edge of the cliff, with us make one step forward…:)

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