Un vieux tableaux…. An old painting….

Bon me voilà encore rendu à sortir mes vieilles affaires, il y en a beaucoup, je ne crois pas que je les montrerai toutes, certaines n’en valent peut-être pas la peine, donc ce ‘vieux’ tableaux, commencé en 2001 et terminé en 2002, est fait d’après une photo de la magnifique Shania Twain, un tableau, en fait j’en ai fait deux et un pastel….pas impossible que je revisite certaines photos pour en faire un tableau un de ces jours…en attendant, ce tableau d’après une photo qui je crois date de la période de son album ‘Come on over’ et de sa chanson ‘Man I feel like a woman’…

Yep, here I am again browsing through my old paintings and files, not all of them are worth a post, there is quite a few of them to present eventually, so this one is from a picture of the great singer Shania Twain, I think it was during her ‘Come on over’ album period, and her well know song ‘Man I feel like a woman’, I have another painting of her and a pastel, maybe some day, and I do have a few, should say many pics, so maybe I will ‘revisit’ them sometimes for another painting, will see, for now this one,,,

261-1-r Shania Twain

Oops, désolé, je viens de me rendre compte que j’avais déjà publié ce tableau….:) Oops, I am sorry, I guess I do repeat myself, this painting was already shown in a previous post…sorry …

13 avis sur « Un vieux tableaux…. An old painting…. »

    • Thanks, but hum it is finished….I guess then I was scare that I could ruin it, it was in 2001-2, then it did happened a few times, so I guess I was prudent and told myself, it is okay, may be I should try another of Shania…

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